Michael's Discography
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Click or tap an album cover to hear and buy the CD if it is available.
Fonda/Stevens Group
Conference Call Quartet
Eastern Boundary Quartet
Lillard/Stevens Group
Solo Piano
Piano duo/trio/quartet
Vocal Projects
Completely Improvised Music
Special Projects
Collector's Items
Projects with Jon Hemmersam
As a Sideman
“Bottoms Out” Joe Fonda/Scott Miller Ensemble
“Hop Frog” Ewald Hugle Quartet
“Conversations With The Jokers”
Katie Bull
Katie Bull
“Love Spook”
Katie Bull
Jeff Marx Quartet
“The Story so Far”
Katie Bull
Katie Bull
“No Pork Long Line”
Lily White
“Big Blue line”
Lily White
“Senza Fine” Julie McConnell
“Somewhere Between Truth and Fiction”
Lily White
“Too Mingus” Bryan McConnell Group